Kudo Topic: Dr. Greger
March 5, 2022
I have been eating an exclusively Whole Plant 🌱 Based diet since February 2019 after being diagnosed with borderline stage 4 kidney disease!
A good friend suggested I read "How Not To Die" by Dr Greger and I am now at borderline Stage 2! (My nephrologist was stunned at the reversal of my disease and continues to be so!).
January 31, 2020
I am so in love with LeafSide! 😍 I’ve tried two of their meals so far and both were absolutely delicious. 👌
We have tried several other meal kits in the past, but the portions were always so tiny that it felt like a rip-off. However, LeafSide's meals are more than enough for me to eat in one sitting! 😋
I'm also excited to try out the other 23 different meals that they have to offer because I love having variety and choices. 🤩 All the meals follow Dr. Greger's guidelines and contain no added fats or preservatives whatsoever! 😊
As someone who has been following nutrition scientists and doctors for years, I was thrilled to see LeafSide come to market. They have truly solved the convenience barrier that so many of us face in today's upside-down world. 🌎
After reading Dr. Michael Greger’s book “How Not To Die,” I worked hard to try to get the Daily Dozen in my daily routine on my own.
But I find LeafSide way easier and delicious. 😋✅
Whole food [unprocessed] plant-based foods work for my body in so many ways: eat all I want, no counting calories. All my lipids are in good shape (total cholesterol <150, HDL 40-90, LDL<80, Triglycerides <150, fasting glucose 60-100, heart calcium score test = 0), and no more visits to the hospital for kidney stones or gout! 💪❤️
The meals are great! Super convenient and tasty! I think it's incredible that LeafSide has taken Dr. Greger's work and turned it into a price-conscious, useful solution for health-conscious folks like me!
It is so awesome to have what I consider to be the core of nutritional/science-based health going into my body on a daily basis having to only add water to the meals!
Small victory: My A1C tests over about the last 8 years have been in the "pre-diabetes" range. Today, my score was 5.4. Perfectly normal!
I've been using the WFPB sos-free meals from LeafSide for 2 of 3 meals per day for the last month and a half. It has made it easier for me to be fully compliant and to hit Dr. Greger's daily dozen every day.
I'm so excited by the possibility of healing and being well without drugs. YAY PLANTS!