Thank you for your interest in LeafSide! At this time, we are available only in the United States. Unfortunately, shipping costs prohibit us from sending our products to other countries. Typically, a carrier charges $65 USD minimum (there’s no extra fee from us) and there may be additional customs/taxes on top of that. We hope […]
Thanks for your question! Due to Dr. Greger’s strict non-commercial policy, there’s no formal relationship between Dr. Greger and LeafSide, nor is his non-profit organization affiliated with LeafSide. Indeed as a general policy, they do not give endorsements to any company or product. Nevertheless, Dr. Greger has been giving us scientific and nutrition advice […]
Thank you for your interest in LeafSide! We do have an Instagram: @leafside You can find our Facebook page here: We also have a group on Facebook where ideas are shared on how to eat WFPB with less time and effort: How Not To Die or Diet, for busy people: Dr. Greger’s guidelines in 15 min […]
Thanks for asking about our affiliate program! We are honored that you would like to help spread the word about LeafSide. We’ve been working with a few organizations on a test basis, but we don’t have a public affiliate or referral program available at this time. We recommend that you place an order (our minimum […]