What about organic vs conventional food? Are LeafSide products organic?

Yes, and organic food is important, and more than a “nice-to-have” marketing feature.  

First of all, it’s more nutritious: meta-analyses and reviews in the scientific literature show organic produce generally has  20-40% more phytonutrients, than conventional fruits and vegetables (though vitamins and minerals levels are similar). 

Second, it’s safer: the more organic food is grown and eaten, the fewer toxins we directly ingest, like glyphosate and Roundup (banned in many other countries, but not the US). Recent studies show up to 25% lower incidence of cancers for frequent organic produce eaters, and rapid reductions in pesticide levels in our bodies after less than a week of eating only organic food.

Third, it’s more just: food is never only about us consumers, but always involves many other participants:

We know that the organic standards of the US and EU are not perfect, and could use many improvements.  But they are nevertheless important steps towards truly sustainable food systems, and thus worth supporting.  We need to put our money where our mouths are!

Currently, LeafSide products contain a majority of organic ingredients, as certain ingredients are still difficult to find in organic form. We’re in the process of moving to 100% certified organic for all recipe ingredients.  We are especially careful to source and use organic ingredients for any items on the Environmental Working Group’s annual Dirty Dozen list, and do not use any conventional supplies of those ingredients in our recipes when possible.*

*Exceptions arise due to supply-chain challenges preventing us from finding an acceptable organic supply; for such cases, we may use conventional products that are tested and washed thoroughly prior to freeze-drying. Current exceptions include green beans, peaches, yellow and red bell peppers, and jalapenos.

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