Why are nuts in most of LeafSide’s meals?

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At this time, all of our meals, except the Blue Brilliance Smoothie, Creamy Potato Leek Soup, Goji Peach Paradise Sweet-Bowl, Lentil Tomato Pasta Savory-Bowl, Madras Curry Savory-Bowl, Thai Veggie Noodle Savory-Bowl, and Tropical Bliss Smoothie, include nuts because we follow Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen guidelines. He recommends 1/4 cup of nuts/seeds or 2 tablespoons of nut/seed butter per day. The scientific evidence for their health benefits is very strong.

Please click here to learn more about why we include nuts: https://www.goleafside.com/faq/single-faq/what-why-fat-in-leafside-meals/

Additionally, this recent article by Dr. Joel Fuhrman is helpful to learn more about the benefits of eating nuts and seeds: https://www.drfuhrman.com/library/eat-to-live-blog/168/the-attack-against-nuts-and-seeds-getting-nuttier-all-the-time

That said, we plan to offer more nut-free recipes in the future as we continue to grow and expand our offerings. You’ll find the ingredients and nutritional information for all of our meals here: https://www.goleafside.com/nutrition-summary/

For those with allergies, please note that we cannot guarantee no cross-contamination since we do use tree nuts in our kitchen.

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