Kudo Topic: Optimal Weight

One can lose excess weight in the short-term on a very wide variety of diets, but what matters is keeping the weight off, i.e. long-term, healthy, and ideally easy weight management, where we’d simply eat delicious and nutritious foods until we feel full. 🤓 More about Optimal Weight.

David T.

April 26, 2023

I've been vegan for 6 years, but most of that time was a combination of vegan junk food and eating healthy sometimes (but not WFPB). In January 2023, I started eating more WFPB without Leafside, and then in February, I started using the LeafSide meals. On the weekends, I indulge a bit more, so I'm new to WFPB eating and I'm guessing that eating more hyperpalatable foods on the weekends doesn't help with acclimating my taste buds. I do love the results that I'm seeing with Leafside, though, as I've lost weight!

Glenn V.

True revolution for good health and weight loss!

Deanna T.

October 5, 2023

I have been eating these for the past few months. Some aren't my cup of tea, but I have plenty of favorites too! They are filling so I feel less need to snack between meals and I have lost weight. I don't feel sluggish at the end of the day either

Bartholomew M.

January 12, 2021

We're on our sixth month in and love LeafSide meals. I lost 50 pounds eating at least one of these a day.

Paige K.

May 23, 2023

LeafSide meals have seriously boosted my fitness gains and overall well-being!