October 30, 2022
I am enjoying the LeafSide meals. I have found them to be very tasty and rich. I am enjoying them best by adding to stretch them to make multiple servings. I add simple and easy ingredients, so the cost only goes up a dollar or two, and then the meal price is half the prive per serving, which is very reasonable. I add oatmeal to the Sweet-Bowls and potato, rice, pasta, beans, or frozen veggies to the Soups and Savory-Bowls. The Creamy Forest Mushroom Savory-Bowl is amazing on mashed or steamed potatoes. The Tex-Mex Savory-Bowl, with added rice and beans, made awesome wraps.
The LeafSide meals give me tasty options that include healthy ingredients I would not usually have. I can not keep all the fancy ingredients on hand, do not enjoy lengthy meal preps, and even when halved, the recipes were too much for one person. I often used to resort to processed vegan and plant-based meats, which I really did not enjoy. I am looking forward to next month's new meals!