Kudo Topic: General Love

Nancy S.

November 25, 2020

My sweetie, a 100% disabled Vietnam veteran, has decided he wants to try the LeafSide goodies, too, so I was going to make another order anyway. I ran out of my last order & I have missed the meals tremendously! For the first time in years, I was feeling so good. I had forgotten how good a plant-based diet makes one feel, but it didn't take long to remember, with your wonderful products. My neighbor, Debbie, has ordered boxes as well & she can hardly wait for her box to come. They don't intend to use it exclusively like I do, only for may be one meal a day, so they will not realize all the benefits. With time, she might change her mind. Especially when she sees the difference in me!

I am completely out of product & am really sad, so please send my next order as soon as possible! I just want the LeafSide team to know... Finding you has been the best thing to happen to me in 10 years! I will be your customer as long as possible.

Jim (my sweetie) has multiple health issues from the Vietnam war - Parkinson's & Diabetes mainly & he is looking forward to giving the plant-based way of life a chance.

I am just so thrilled with your product! I did not find anything I did not like but I changed my order to include more Smoothies. Everything is top-notch, yummy good!

Your products are the best there is. I know it, you know it & thousands of others know it or will! Thank you from my heart for saving my life!

I absolutely love this food. It is so good & keeps me so full. Everything I have tried so far is excellent. I had the Tex-Mex Savory-Bowl last night & think it is my favorite, but then again, everything tastes like a favorite. I would not change a thing! It is so exciting to me to be able to finally eat a plant-based diet after so many years of not being able to, mostly because I live an hour away from the nearest town & constantly buying, washing, chopping, etc. was hard. I threw away a lot of veggies that spoiled before I could get them prepared, but now... Wow! All I have to do is add water! Thank you, THANK YOU!!

I love everything!

Eric W.

November 18, 2021

Hi LeafSide, I appreciate everything you do for me. 👍 I'm especially appreciative that you let me know a couple days in advance that my order is coming up. It lets me decide if I need the next order immediately or not. My current pattern is to go through one order about every two months, and I'm glad you let me know so I don't overwhelm my kitchen with packets.

I'm also especially appreciative of the recipes you send along, and how each smoothie I make provides at least one meal, and often two.

Since I started my program of dietary improvements, which has included your products, my energy has improved, my focus has improved, and I've lost weight! 💚

Just thought I'd tell you. Our world is much too focused on what is wrong, and I believe deeply that we need to consciously remind ourselves to acknowledge what is right. Well done! Luck and skill to you in all things.

Milagros E.

August 26, 2022

The LeafSide meals have been a godsend. I've been struggling with anemia (B vitamins) for about a year. These are the first meals that have begun restoring my energy levels. I've been struggling with hyper-reactive skin breaking out since my mid-20s and for the first time in almost 25 years have had it calm down. All the sweet bowls tasted great and gave me energy. I'm happy to have found these meals and have been recommending them to friends and family.

Bill J.

August 15, 2022

I'm an avid fan and perhaps even follower of LeafSide! I eat at least one meal per day, sometimes two!

Thank you LeafSide for all you do to make my life easier and healthier. 👍 I wish I would have discovered these meals years ago when I began my plant-based journey. I've lost weight since I started eating LeafSide meals 3 months ago, and I'm feeling better overall. I'm finally consuming more well-rounded nutrition than ever before.

My favorites are the Creamy Forest Mushroom Savory-Bowl, Sweet Potato Dal Soup, and Broccoli Cashew Alfredo Savory-Bowl.

Catherine U.

December 7, 2022

I love love love LeafSide! I had surgery in August, and these meals were a lifesaver.

I took them to the hospital with me, and the nurses fell in love with them and wrote down all the information so they could order some themselves. Their schedules make eating healthy difficult.

If I see myself slipping in my diet (the holidays, ugh!), I grab a LeafSide and get right back with it. It’s healthier than anything I could put together. And at my age, I’m not inclined to make complicated recipes every day. Simplicity is so important to me!