Kudo Topic: Daily Dozen
October 30, 2022
Give LeafSide a try. Do you want healthy, convenient, travel friendly daily dozen meals? LeafSide is it.
They're quality meals and they're huge. Have you had a big bowl of soup at a restaurant lately? This is cheaper.
It’s expensive and time consuming to shop for and cook the daily dozen every day. I’m a busy person who loves LeafSide and I feel good when I eat it.
July 7, 2022
I just discovered LeafSide recently and got my first delivery. I've tried about 6 meals so far and I'm MIND BLOWN! 💥 This is literally THE BEST prepped meal service I've ever heard of! I'm so grateful and happy I discovered LeafSide, thank you a million times! 🙏
I became a nutrition geek a couple of years ago after encountering some health problems when I moved to the United States and started eating the Standard American Diet. I'm very familiar with Dr. Greger's fascinating work, and all the other doctors mentioned on the website. I'm absolutely fascinated with the scientific approach the company is taking, communicating, and educating. I'm telling everyone around me about LeafSide, and I hope the company grows to be the biggest food subscription service. I fully believe LeafSide has the potential to cure so many people, and they are doing very admirable work! 🌱👩🔬👨🔬🌟
February 14, 2020
I love the variety, the ease of preparing, the flavors, the nutrition, and the portability. 💯 A big draw for me is that the ingredients are all found on the Daily Dozen, and sugar and oil free with a salt-free option. 🌱
I like to add a half cup of navy beans or red lentils to the breakfasts to get in more protein. 👍 The customer service is outstanding.
May 4, 2020
This is the company I have chosen to go with for my camping trips. When camping, I love to keep it plant based and I love how are backed by Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen. Keep up the good work guys!
June 7, 2023
I give these a thumbs up for people who can't cook for any reason. They taste good, are made with wholesome ingredients, and meet Dr. Michael Greger's recommendation of 12 foods to have daily. I recommend them to anyone who wants to go plant-based with no added SOS.