November 25, 2020
My sweetie, a 100% disabled Vietnam veteran, has decided he wants to try the LeafSide goodies, too, so I was going to make another order anyway. I ran out of my last order & I have missed the meals tremendously! For the first time in years, I was feeling so good. I had forgotten how good a plant-based diet makes one feel, but it didn't take long to remember, with your wonderful products. My neighbor, Debbie, has ordered boxes as well & she can hardly wait for her box to come. They don't intend to use it exclusively like I do, only for may be one meal a day, so they will not realize all the benefits. With time, she might change her mind. Especially when she sees the difference in me!
I am completely out of product & am really sad, so please send my next order as soon as possible! I just want the LeafSide team to know... Finding you has been the best thing to happen to me in 10 years! I will be your customer as long as possible.
Jim (my sweetie) has multiple health issues from the Vietnam war - Parkinson's & Diabetes mainly & he is looking forward to giving the plant-based way of life a chance.
I am just so thrilled with your product! I did not find anything I did not like but I changed my order to include more Smoothies. Everything is top-notch, yummy good!
Your products are the best there is. I know it, you know it & thousands of others know it or will! Thank you from my heart for saving my life!
I absolutely love this food. It is so good & keeps me so full. Everything I have tried so far is excellent. I had the Tex-Mex Savory-Bowl last night & think it is my favorite, but then again, everything tastes like a favorite. I would not change a thing! It is so exciting to me to be able to finally eat a plant-based diet after so many years of not being able to, mostly because I live an hour away from the nearest town & constantly buying, washing, chopping, etc. was hard. I threw away a lot of veggies that spoiled before I could get them prepared, but now... Wow! All I have to do is add water! Thank you, THANK YOU!!
I love everything!