Kudo Topic: Easy

Betsy C.

August 7, 2021

I love these meals. They are very filling, and I’m thankful for whoever posted advice about letting the meals sit with water for 20-30 minutes before eating. It really does seem to make a difference. I’m thankful for these meals because they are quick, easy, and healthy! Since I live in an area where quick, healthy options are not really available, the subscription has been working for me. Thank you, LeafSide, for giving me an option to eat healthy, minimum-effort WFPB in my tiny rural town where the closest organic produce is 30 miles away! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼💚🥦

Kenneth G.

April 12, 2022

We recently received our third monthly LeafSide shipment of meals, and this recommendation is overdue. I have enjoyed EVERY one of these meals! They are very delicious and filling meals, plus super-easy to prepare and clean up afterwards.
Part of what motivated me was the desire to focus on plant-based diet with a great variety of healthy ingredients. Part of it also was just the times we live in, with supply chain shortages on top of the risks you take just driving to go in and out of a local store. Not to mention this is a GREAT stash of meals to have in case of a major storm or other emergency where you might find yourself locked down, due to a pandemic, or a war. A box shows up at your door. You just add the right amount of boiling water and wait 10 minutes. EASY!

My one pro tip when preparing a LeafSide meal is this - take time to carefully break apart the clumps in the package before or after pouring the package contents into your bowl. Then add the water. This makes completing the thorough stirring process easier, more effective, and generally cleaner (less spills). Enjoy!

Catherine U.

December 7, 2022

I love love love LeafSide! I had surgery in August, and these meals were a lifesaver.

I took them to the hospital with me, and the nurses fell in love with them and wrote down all the information so they could order some themselves. Their schedules make eating healthy difficult.

If I see myself slipping in my diet (the holidays, ugh!), I grab a LeafSide and get right back with it. It’s healthier than anything I could put together. And at my age, I’m not inclined to make complicated recipes every day. Simplicity is so important to me!

Carol W.

October 1, 2020

I am so very, very thankful for the LeafSide meals.

When I was first introduced to them, I was considering these meals as a clean supplemental meal to my homemade meals, a quick grab to take to lunch if I was running behind. Now, I have literally no kitchen whatsoever. We had to demo the kitchen in the house we moved into and it is taking a while. I am highly attentive to the quality of food I eat as I am maintaining a 100# weight loss for the past 16+ yrs. LeafSide's meals have become invaluable as they are nutritionally sound, Salt/Oil/Sugar-Free upon request (this is HUGE), very cost effective, health supportive, and taste darned great. Having these meals as a means of staying on track has made the stress of the demo and renovation less troublesome and problematic.

I recently had bloodwork done to set baselines as I start with a new physician. My numbers are great and I do believe that having real foods, healthy foods, that are thoughtfully planned to support health and are quality ingredients has contributed to those numbers.

Nancy M.

October 30, 2022

I am enjoying the LeafSide meals. I have found them to be very tasty and rich. I am enjoying them best by adding to stretch them to make multiple servings. I add simple and easy ingredients, so the cost only goes up a dollar or two, and then the meal price is half the prive per serving, which is very reasonable. I add oatmeal to the Sweet-Bowls and potato, rice, pasta, beans, or frozen veggies to the Soups and Savory-Bowls. The Creamy Forest Mushroom Savory-Bowl is amazing on mashed or steamed potatoes. The Tex-Mex Savory-Bowl, with added rice and beans, made awesome wraps.

The LeafSide meals give me tasty options that include healthy ingredients I would not usually have. I can not keep all the fancy ingredients on hand, do not enjoy lengthy meal preps, and even when halved, the recipes were too much for one person. I often used to resort to processed vegan and plant-based meats, which I really did not enjoy. I am looking forward to next month's new meals!