Goji Peach Paradise Sweet-Bowl

Wish you could enjoy scrumptious summer fruits all year long? 😋🍑 Now you can! Sweet peaches and tart, jammy apricots bring little rays of sunshine to each heavenly bite of this classic bowl of comfort. 🌞🥣

Caramelly dates pair perfectly with succulent stone fruits, while the creamy, mapley flavor of tropical sapota adds even more lip-smacking lusciousness! 

Hearty whole grains resemble the essence of pie crust as they combine with their compote-like companions. Warming ginger and fragrant vanilla transport you to blissful paradise, as bold & bright goji berries provide a modern twist to familiar flavors. 😍 With a subtle tang from lemony baobab and a hint of zip from zesty lime, this decadent dish is an exotic tour that your taste buds will want to take again and again! 🏝️

  • Enjoy the luscious flavor of healthy plant-based sugars without the blood sugar spike  thanks to 13 grams of fiber 🌾 from fruit and whole grains that slows down sugar absorption. 🍑 And 10 grams of plant protein give you plenty of fuel for the enzyme reactions that power the most important functions in your body. 💪🏻🧬
  • Vibrant fruits like apricots are good sources of vitamin A — particularly carotenoids. These plant-based antioxidants may prevent sun damage so your skin can stay young and healthy. 👦🏻👧🏻
  • Refreshing, juicy bits of fruit and organic oats form a powerful alliance to feed your gut microbiome with soluble fiber. 🥣🌾 Well-fed microbes churn out short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that can reduce your appetite, boost your metabolism, and help you burn fat. 🔥🏃🏻‍♂️
  • Vibrant and zesty goji berries send the antioxidant content of this exotic bowl into the stratosphere!🚀 Most notable is zeaxanthin (zee·uh·zan·thin), a phytonutrient that protects your retinas and may prevent macular degeneration as you age. 
  • Tangy baobab adds a refreshing burst of vitamin C and antioxidants to support your immune system, while its fiber and polyphenols slow sugar absorption, helping regulate blood sugar levels. 🌿 Warm ginger aids digestion, and vanilla’s aromatic sweetness ties it all together for a comforting, wholesome experience.

This hearty meal shines as an energizing breakfast, but it’s a delightful treat any time of day.🥣🔆 Mix it up in your favorite bowl, or blend it into a smoothie to sip some summer sun on the go! 😎

 15 Unique Whole Plant Foods 🌿

Top nutrition science recommends consuming 30 unique whole plant foods per week to experience plant-proven benefits. Learn More: Why LeafSide Works

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